
School fees are set by the Governing Council each year and provide for stationery and equipment each child needs and extras that staff utilise for school programs i.e. extra curriculum needs and computing.

Our preferred method of payment for school fees is via the QKR! app. Fees can also be paid by EFTPOS/cash at Student Services, credit card payment by phone, direct debit into the school bank account or via Centrepay.

The school is able to negotiate a payment plan in cases of financial difficulty. Families who meet School Card Scheme criteria will have their fees subsidised by the Department for Education.

The School Card Scheme is administered by the Department for Education and provides financial assistance towards the cost of educational expenses for full-time school students of low-income families. A school card application is required to be lodged every year and are available in student services or online at the beginning of the year. Approval for School Card is dependent upon proof of family income not exceeding the limits. Information is available from the finance office, on our school website or online:

https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/education-and-learning/financial-help-scholarships-and-grants/schoo l-card-scheme

Interstate, overseas and new students enrolling during the year will be required to pay a proportion of the fees. Any school library or textbooks, which are wilfully damaged or lost, may have to be paid for.

Invoices are sent to the person who was nominated as ‘parent/caregiver 1’ on the student’s enrolment form. If you are a two household family and a copy of the invoice is required to be sent to the second parent/caregiver, please email this request to our finance team at enrolment or at the beginning of each school year.

MVPS makes every effort to support and work with families for financial assistance. MVPS has a ‘Debt Collection Policy’ in place to provide guidance to the School Management for the recovery of all debts due to the Governing Council.

Please email all finance enquiries to dl.0251.finance@schools.sa.edu.au