
The relationships we have with our students, our families and our community are at the very core of our work.

We value respect, integrity and success.

We enthusiastically promote and develop these values as part of our wellbeing programs to ensure that our students are provided with maximum opportunities to develop emotionally and socially, as well as academically and physically.

We instill in our students a growth mindset and we lead our students not just to achieve their potential, but to exceed their potential. 

Our entire staff team are focused on student wellbeing, but above and beyond this we also have a Student Wellbeing Team in place comprising of:

  • Wellbeing Teacher who provides individual student and family support, as well as working alongside teachers developing social skills through classroom programs and processes;
  • Pastoral Care Worker who supports students guided by the classroom teacher and Wellbeing Teacher
  • Juno a wellbeing dog (female labradoodle) who is guided by a dog handling team  to support engagement and wellbeing in students

The Wellbeing staff team are highly accessible and work to support children and families in any way needed to keep children ‘safe and happy’ at school and engaged in their learning and enjoying healthy relationships with their peers and educators. The Wellbeing Team lead initiatives and programs including The Resilience Project, Wellbeing Dog program, Kindness Cup, Whole school morning fitness and Breakfast Program.