
Right Bite Strategy

The Department for Education has revised the Right Bite Food and Drink Supply Standards to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines and the new Wellbeing SA nutrition classifications for schools.

The revised standards use a traffic light system to classify food and drinks into 4 categories:

  • Green: best options
  • Amber: choose carefully
  • Red 1: limit
  • Red 2: should not be supplied.
    • The revised standards recommend that 60% of food and drinks sold or supplied at schools should be from the green category and 40% from the amber category.
    • The revised standards also cover recommendations on food safety practices, single use plastic legislation and the marketing of red category food and drinks.
    • Right Bite standards are recommended as best practice for all public schools and may be applied to all food and drinks sold or provided in settings, such as canteens, breakfast programs, excursions and camps, fundraising events, sports days, out of school hours care, celebrations, rewards, incentives, gifts, prizes and giveaways and others.
    • Our school is working towards implementing these standards.

For more information about the Right Bite Food and Drink Supply Standards, visit www.education.sa.gov.au/rightbite