
The committed Governing Council Committee parent members support a strong connection between staff and families through representation on special committees Governing Council is a great example of our school and families working together to improve the learning outcomes for all students. Our Governing Council meets twice a term and involvement gives parents and caregivers a chance to have a real say in how your child’s school does things.


2024 Governing Council Members: 

  • Kent Brown (Chairperson)
  • Harmony Fenoughty (Deputy Chair/Secretary)
  • Ruth Willson (Treasurer)

General Committee Members: Shylie Lord, Mirjana, Ashlee Harrison, Beth Brown, Bianca Sharp, Kaylene Brennan, Simone Panayiotakopoulos, Sorcha O’Neill, Sophie Barnes, Leanne Lovett, Matt Millar, Cate Schueller and Cheree Gordon.


Join a Sub-Committee 

We would love to see more parent involvement on our sub-committees.

Parents and caregivers are invited to join one of the various sub-committees, providing support and direction for a range of school activities, including Education/ICT, Finance, Wellbeing, Grounds, Fundraising, OSHC and Reconciliation Action Plan.


Sub-committees explained: 



includes curriculum, parent education programs, feedback on school procedures, communication etc. Identify aspects of the school’s curriculum for review, identify needs of students and expectations of parents and community, examine and report on proposals for change, promotion and communication within the community.



includes analysis of financial reports and monitoring of budgets. Contribute to financial planning, examining monthly reports, set budget procedures, budget formulation, endorse priorities for expenditure.



includes Canteen, SAKGP, Breakfast Program, Second Bite Support alignment of programs i.e. healthy eating guidelines, bullying and attendance. Contribute to the school’s wellbeing priorities.



includes facilities, streetscape, nature play, gardens, formulate plans for grounds developments, recommend new projects, manage budget priorities, assist in approved projects.



Promote school activities and events in the school and local community, assist in planning of school events and coordinating fundraising activities.



Support the Director in the management of the OSHC program, provide open two-way communication regarding the operation and review of the service. Provide feedback to the governing council on the operation of the service.



Provides support and direction to embed and action the school’s Reconciliation Action Plan. Includes links with sustainability and Indigenous cultural studies.