
The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS: CPC) is a child safety and respectful relationships curriculum for children and young people from age 3 to Year 12. KS: CPC provides age and developmentally appropriate strategies to help children and young people keep themselves safe. Learning about respectful relationships is at the foundation of the KS: CPC for children and young people from early to secondary years. Concepts focusing on consent are embedded throughout the curriculum at an age and developmentally appropriate level. This includes:

  • healthy and unhealthy relationships
  • rights and responsibilities in relationships
  • anatomical names of the body
  • privacy, touching and consent
  • online safety, dating, grooming and image-based abuse
  • types of abuse
  • recognising, responding to and reporting abuse
  • trusted networks and support services

The KS: CPC is mandated in all Department for Education (DfE) preschools and schools for children and young people from age 3 to Year 12. The DfE has a legal obligation to safeguard children and young people. All children and young people in DfE preschools and schools will access the KS: CPC each year. The KS: CPC is taught by educators who are trained in its use.

See your child’s classroom teacher term overview on Seesaw for topics being taught in class.